Thursday, September 29, 2011

LonelyMomDotCom "My Island..."

Lonely? Yes. The kind of lonely that makes you understand exactly why Tom Hanks talked to the Wilson soccer ball in "Castaway". The kind of lonely that makes you chat up the girl that calls you to survey you about your last hospital visit. That poor girl didn't know what hit her. She couldn't get me off of the phone fast enough.

I was reading a magazine a few days ago. There was a woman who blogged about how larger women use fashion as an art form. When asked why she blogged, she answered that she saw a need for people just like her...a void that needed to be filled.

BINGO! A void. That's what I had been existing in for years. This void that connected to no one in my hemisphere. A sea of well put together moms that came in and out of each other's days and lives effortlessly. All the while, it took me 3 hours to prepare for a 10 minute drop off for dance class!

A void. I had to wonder if out there in this great blogosphere there were others like me. The same way I imagine people once wondered about the other side of the ocean, or the other end of the solar system. Are there other lonely moms? Moms on there own little islands just like me. My island is in a major metropolitan city. A place that one would never expect an island to be. It just sits there, quiet and undisturbed but for the comings and goings of those that inhabit it.

So I sit here, typing...using what is probably the last functioning cells in my brain...sending out my S.O.S. Is anybody out there? 



  1. Thank you for taking the time to stop by Drops of Living Water. We started our blog to reach out to moms struggling with the same things you are. Please know you are NOT alone.

  2. I have been a lonely mom for going on 20 years now. My husband works all the time and so we don't get to spend much time together therefore I have been at home for a very long time with my children. Now they are all almost grown, my youngest is 16 and just finishing with homeschool. She'll be off to college in August and so I have decided that I am going to rejoin the working world and hope that just maybe I can or will feel like I am not invisible after all. I have sister-in-laws that live near us yet they have always excluded me in their lives and I have really tried to be friends with them, one of them used to be my best friend in High School. They will go out to eat and go shopping together and never even give me a thought. My own mom and sister does this as well and they live right next door. I am the cast out I guess. It used to hurt my feelings a lot, it kinda does a little still, but I have just come to the conclusion that's it's not worth the heartache. It would be nice to not feel so invisible and be included for once. I too can relate to Tom Hanks in Castaway and how lonely you have to be to start talking to a ball. Anyway, you are not alone and it's nice to know I'm not either. :)

    1. Hi Needa,
      Thank you for sharing with me. You know, I used to think that women like us were the exception...lonely, depressed,, I am starting to realize that we are the rule. I find that, for all of my trying, these many many months, I am lonelier than ever. Truly. The more I put myself out there, the more I think I stand out with my awkwardness. Please feel free to email me if you need to talk, to vent ...or just to say hi. Good luck!
